NB: Requirements for  SIM card:

Must be able to handle SMS, speech (if necessary that unit can be called) and data, if www.masterview.dk is used for programming. The card must be 2G compliant(‘3’ og OiSTER are unsuitable) for wall mounted units and multiGuard® DIN4.

Troubleshooting, multiGuard

If your unit is not working, please check the following:

How does the red diode flash?

  • OFF: Check the power supply. Turn off and on again without backup battery. Diode should flash approx. one minute. If the diode goes out again, then the unit might be disconnected. Send sms: 1234 ON to connect the alarm.
  • DOUBLE approx. 3 secs: The unit is unable to connect to the GSM net. Check the SIM card in a mobile phone. Send an sms to yourself. Check the antenna. Check if 2G is available from your service provider (exept for 3G models) or check area coverage on www.mastedatabasen.dk
  • SHORT approx. 3. secs.: The unit is disconnected. Send sms: 1234 ON to connect the alarm.
  • TRIPLE approx. 3.secs.: The number of the unit is invalid. Send sms: 1234 N0 [own mobile no.=””] (eg. 1234 N0 12345678).
  • STEADY LIGHT and repeated BEEPS: The PIN on the SIM card is not 1234 or has been deactivated. 
  • DULL approx.3. secs.: Normal operation and alarm is connected.

The unit doesn’t reply to sms!

Call the unit from a telephone:

  • ANSWERING MACHINE: The unit is not connected to the GSM net possibly because of bad cell reception/coverage or the unit is switched off. Follow point 1.
  • ONE TONE: Enter PIN eg. ’1234’ and hear two tones. All sms messages must begin with the PIN, eg. ’1234 OK’ (get signal strength, min. 30% at 2G).
  • The connection is lost: Wrong PIN. Switch off the unit, set the PIN of the SIM card to ’1234’ in a mobile phone and switch the unit on again.
  • TRITONE: Access has been limited to ’approved numbers’. Return to default setting with sms: ’1234 P!’ from an approved number.
  • TWO TONES: SIM card doesn’t have a PIN. Check whether SIM card subscription has been paid. Commands can be sent without a PIN, eg. ’OK’.

The unit is not sending an alarm

Check the following by sms:

  • Is the unit connected? Send: ’1234 OR’.  Answer: OK>> OR ++++++++, all zones are connected. OK>> OR ——–, all zones are disconnected. Send ’1234 ON’
  • Is my telephone number on the alarm list? Send: ’1234 PR N’. Answer: ’OK>> N1 nnnnnnnn’. My tel.no. ’nnnnnnnn’ is in the first space or another space on the list.
  • Close and open an input (eg. Input.1 and GND). If you don’t receive an sms: ’S1’ and ’B1’ text might be missing. Send: ’1234 CF’ and try again.
  • The input might already be in ALARM? Send: ’1234 MR’ and check which text is returned. Remove the alarm wire to get ’NO ALARM’ back. 
  • Is there filter on input? Send: ’1234 F1’ and activate the alarm for at least 10 secs. 
  • Only receives ONE alarm, even though alarm is repeated! ’Only alarm every. 15 mins.’ might be activated. Send sms: ’1234 DS’ for normal alert.
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